!!! --- The RADIO INSOMNIACS' Team Leaders

Program & Host Overview (Time Table)

International Calls: S T A T I O N : Radio frequency MP3 Streaming Website: Facebook: Twitter: SMS Line: Studio Telephone:
+27 11 883-0702 TalkRadio 702: 106MHz FM Radio702 Radio702 Radio702 Radio702 31702 011 883-0702
+27 21 446-0567 567 CapeTalk: 567kHz MW (AM) CapeTalk CapeTalk CapeTalk CapeTalk 31567 021 446-0567

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Talk Show Host Facebook Twitter ??? ??? ???
Linzi Bourhill Linzi Bourhill Linzi Bourhill
Katie Macdonald Katie Macdonald Katie Macdonald
Nomsa Mdhluli Nomsa Mdhluli Nomsa Mdhluli
Aubrey Masango Aubrey Masango Aubrey Masango
Gushwell Brooks Gushwell Brooks Gushwell Brooks

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