What is a Wiki Site?
According to Wikipedia, the world largest wiki site:
A Wiki ([ˈwiː.kiː] <wee-kee> or [ˈwɪ.kiː] <wick-ey>) is a type of website that allows users to add, remove, or otherwise edit and change most content very quickly and easily.
And that is it! As a part of Wikidot.com network this Site is a customizable piece of the Internet where Users can edit content, upload files, communicate and collaborate.
Why use a Wiki - and no ordinary website or blogg?
After careful planning and investigating, we have decided in implementing this huge task on hand by using a Wiki.
A Wiki has many advantages over a normal website, as it caters for multi-user access and collaboration.
Wiki Technology is a true Web 2.0 implementation.
Further more, we have decided to use Wikidot.com, as we have found it to be well supported, and also giving designers (virtually) free reign to try out new stuff and developments in the dedicated space specifically created therefore, called "Community Playground" !
Please watch the following Videos for more clarity on this.
Wikis in Plain English
Wikis in University Teaching and Learning - Richard Buckland UNSW
Wikis in University Teaching and Learning - Richard Buckland UNSW
How Teachers Can Use Wikis in the Classroom
How Teachers Can Use Wikis in the Classroom
How to Build An Educational Wiki
How to Build An Educational Wiki
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